As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss. 除长出了些许白发外,凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。
Laura Middleton says the research showed that even low-intensity activity reduced the risk of thinking problems and memory loss. 米德尔顿称,研究表明即使低强度身体运动也能降低思维障碍和记忆丧失的风险。
Now they think there might be links to memory loss. 现在研究者们认为,这些可能也和记忆力衰退有关。
To find out, researchers are exploring the possible links between oral health and memory loss. 为了找出两者间的奥秘,研究者们开始在口腔健康和记忆力衰退方面寻找联系。
The progressive brain disorder leads to memory loss and eventually the ability to think and function. 这种大脑逐步紊乱的疾病导致记忆障碍并最终丧失思考和行为能力。
I've heard that taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol can cause memory loss? 我已听说服用司他汀药物降低胆固醇会引起记忆力丧失。
He had been suffering from poor health and memory loss in recent years. 最近几年,他的身体和记忆力都很不好。
Inflammatory processes are also involved in memory loss. 在这病变过程中,同时也引起记忆损失。
Pseudodementia: Depression can result in dementia symptoms, including memory loss and a lack of motivation. 假性痴呆症:抑郁可导致痴呆症,包括记忆力的丧失和行动力的减弱。
This points to changes in the brain that develop years before the actual memory loss. 这归因于数年后发展成为记忆丧失的脑的变化。
The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss. 病人表现出疲劳和记忆力丧失的迹象。
The rich choline in laver can reduce memory loss. 紫菜中的丰富胆碱,对记忆衰退有改善作用。
Therefore, fish fatty acid can enhance memory and learning ability, and can prevent memory loss. 所以,吃鱼不但能提高记忆和学习能力,还能预防记忆力衰退。
In chronic memory loss and dementia, the acetylcholine transmission is impaired. 长时记忆丧失和痴呆症都与这种乙酰胆碱传递被削弱有关。
This progressive brain disease can lead to acute and selected memory loss. 这种进行性脑部疾病可以导致急性病导致记忆力丧失。
Alzheimer's disease ( AD) is characterised by progressive memory loss and severe cognitive impairment. 阿尔茨海默氏病(老年痴呆症)以记忆逐渐衰退和严重的认知损害为特征。
Low levels of DHA in the brain have been linked with memory loss, mood swings and conditions such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism. 大脑中DHA的低水平与记忆丧失、情绪波动有关,如阅读障碍、注意力缺陷、多动障碍和孤独症。
The benefits of memory loss and forgetting were demonstrated recently in a Stanford University study published in Nature Neuroscience. 《神经科学》近期发表的斯坦福大学的一项研究展示出了记忆丧失和遗忘的好处。
Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills. 老年痴呆症的患者遭受着记忆丧失,决策能力受损和言语和行动技能减退的痛苦。
Normal age-re-lated memory loss is also linked to a loss of acetylcholine. 正常与年龄有关的失忆也与乙酰胆碱的流失有关。
Still some short-term memory loss and spatial processing problems. 还有短暂失忆和空间感失调。
Some sort of memory loss from the accident? 在意外中丧失了一部分记忆?
People to old age has several obvious characteristics is a memory loss, pull doesn't remember. 人到老年有几个显著特征一是记忆减退,二是二已经不记得了。
Low levels of DHA have recently been associated with depression, memory loss, dementia and visual problems. DHA含量低也会引起情绪低落,记忆力不好,痴呆和视觉问题。
Memory loss. you're saying that's not a neurological symptom? 记忆丧失,你不觉得那是神经学症状?
But if we get in the memories of the memory loss slowly. 但又好象回忆在我们念念不忘的记忆中慢慢流失。
It begins with mild memory loss and confusion and progresses gradually to a complete inability to care for oneself. 这种病症的早期症状是轻度的记忆力丧失和意识混乱,后来逐渐发展成个人生活完全不能自理,要靠别人照顾。
Primary causes of dementia usually cause irreversible memory loss and impaired thought processing. 痴呆症的主要病因通常会导致不可修复的记忆力丧失和思考能力的丧失。
It would explain the aggressive behavior, the cataplexy, the memory loss. 可以解释攻击行为、猝倒和记忆丧失。